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Living in the present also means being aware of the past.

Vera Astuni

Expert guide, I will discover the best places in Pompeii and the Campania Region, with my deep knowledge of this land.

Vera Astuni guida autorizzata Regione Campania
Tour alla scoperta di Pompeii


Thanks to an authorized tour, we will relive the episodes retrace the history of the city of Pompeii, reborn after the tragic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. Thanks to an overwhelming tour. See the work of archaeologists who managed to re-emerge a buried city.

My passion for the history of art will make you fully experience a forgotten era: shops, houses, taverns, a world waiting to be explored.

Always a lover of history and my tradition, I will take you to discover the world of the ancient Romans and their works, which, today, are part of the national UNESCO heritage.

To rediscover the past, to relive the history and everyday life of the Romans in Pompeii. Thanks to the authorized guided tour, we will retrace the beauty of the Roman ruins together, accompanied by an overwhelming historical tale.

Immerse yourself in history: stroll through the ancient streets and visit Pompeian houses and shops. The tour also includes a visit to the Archaeological Museum of Naples, one of the most important in the world.

Experience the beauty of antiquity to the full by following a guided itinerary that will take you from Pompeii to Herculaneum, two unmissable destinations for history lovers. Discover the two most important archaeological finds and excavations in the world.

Visit the ancient city of Pompeii, rediscovering the past and history of the Romans. Then let yourself be carried away by the alleys and beauties of Naples, a city of art in its purest state.
Finally, book a guided and authorized tour of the Campania region.

Guided tour of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the two cities buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. which still retain the remains of the past.
Let yourself also be fascinated by the beauty of the archaeological excavations of Oplontis, the Pompeian suburban area.

Stroll through Capri among the beauties and colors of the Mediterranean island. Six immersive hours to rediscover peace and tranquility in a small corner of paradise.
Capri is among the most dreamed and appreciated tourist destinations, do not miss this tour.

Among the alleys and streets of the city hides the true beauty and pure Neapolitan essence, dispersed among scents, colors, and sounds. Explore on foot one of the most beautiful cities in Italy with the 3-hour guided walking tour.

The Archaeological Museum of Naples (MANN) is among the most important archaeological museums globally, especially regarding Roman history. Discover all the beauties of the Greek, Renaissance, and Roman eras on a 2-hour guided tour.

The ancient town of Herculaneum was reborn following the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. and still retains the remains of a tragic past. Immerse yourself in its history discover one of the most famous archaeological attractions in the world on a 2-hour guided tour.

For lovers of the sea and breathtaking views, the on-the-road tour by car is a must-see proposal suitable for all types of travelers. Let yourself be fascinated by the splendor of the coast: by the villages, by the beaches, and much more.

Vesuvius is the most famous volcano globally, and climbing it is among the most unforgettable experiences you can undertake. The magnificent panorama that awaits you once you reach the top will pay off the arduous climb.

Bosco de ‘Medici (Pompeii), Cantine del Vesuvio (Trecase), Da Sorrentino (Trecase): choose your destination and embark on an immersive sensory journey to discover the best wines from Campania. The wine tour takes you to the oldest Neapolitan cellars.

Sfondo Vera Astuni visita guidata a Pompei e Costiera Amalfitana

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